Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Design in Biochemical Systems and Hydrogen Molecules

Fine-Tuning for Life in the Universe. Backup Biochemical Systems Debunk an Imperfection Argument. Three-hydrogen molecule well-designed for star formation and probing the universe. Dr. Hugh Ross Introduces His New Book. Creation As Science. Ken Samples comments on whether Christian belief is tantamount to belief in UFO abductions. Without a Doubt: Answering The 20 toughest Faith Questions. Lights In the Sky and Little Green Men. About the nature of backup biochemical systems. Has Hugh set up a meeting (from the second Ankerberg debate) with Jason Lisle and a panel of astronomers so Lisle can defend his astronomical views?
David asks a second question on trigonometric parallax measurements from Hugh's first televised Ankerberg debate. Young-Earth arguments for extremely rapid expansion of the universe (two expansions). Do colliding branes refute inflationary models for the universe? The Creator and the Cosmos. Creation As Science. What do you think of Dr. John Davison's "Prescribed Evolutionary Hypothesis?" (Note: RTB scholars have not yet reviewed this paper)

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Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Direct Evidence for Dark Matter

Existence of dark matter affirms RTB's creation model. "NASA Finds Direct Proof of Dark Matter." "A Direct Empirical Proof of the Existence of Dark Matter. "Tighter constraints on planetary systems' habitable zones . "Stem Cells: The Hope and the Hype." Stem Cell Research Compilation. Ken Samples comments on whether Christians should consider using the RU-486 pill. When a Baby Dies. Without a Doubt: Answering The 20 toughest Faith Questions. What is eternal inflation and how does this relate to the recent C.U. discussion on the Hawking/Hertog "top-down" approach to cosmology?
"What is the Multiverse?" "How Does A Christian Respond to the Multiverse Concept?" What one book besides the Bible does RTB recommend for a skeptic on topics such as the Virgin Birth and the Resurrection?

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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Precision in Scientific Measurement

Temperature of early universe confirms Big Bang Cosmology. The Creator and the Cosmos. Precise measurement of Fine Structure Constant. Without a Doubt: Answering The 20 toughest Faith Questions. What are the perceived weaknesses in Big Bang Cosmology and how are they dealt with? Will naturalists ever come to accept the implications of the Big Bang and a transcendent creator given the weight of evidence? What is the difference between the Hubble Constant and the Cosmological Constant, and which one exhibits fine tuning? Given that we cannot measure these things as precisely as we say they are fine tuned, how can we claim such incredibly high fine tuning? How does the measurement of the total density parameter influence the probability for a multiverse explanation? What is the difference between a geometrically flat and a geometrically open universe? How likely is the discovery of Noah's ark at 13,000 feet elevation? The Genesis Question.

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Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Evaluating Some Common Young-Earth Arguments

Response to AiG's Dr. Terry Mortenson's "Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years." A Matter of Days. The Genesis Question. "The Dynamics of Dating". The Great Debate. Peril In Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth. "Evidences That Have Led Many Scientists to Accept an Ancient Date for Creation of the Earth and Universe". The Flood and promise of a rainbow.

Archive and references available at
