Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Is there Evidence for Human Evolution?

Convergence of lactase persistence in humans. Nature Genetics. Human-chimp brain DNA comparisons. Explaining "strange" human behavior. Responses to wealth. Altruism. Maintaining reputation. Who Was Adam? Did humans and Neanderthals interbreed? Could any dinosaurs have survived the mass extinction events in light of Carl Baugh's Triceratops Rock claim? Carl Baugh's Web site. Can Hugh respond to an author's attempt to rebuff RTB's creation model for the universe? Atheist Universe. The Creator and the Cosmos. Can Hugh define a flat-geometry universe versus an open-and-closed universe? How do we know what the Milky Way Galaxy looks like? Astronomy Picture of the Day, October 4, 2005

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

A Catalog Of Binary Neutron Stars And Their Implications For The Christian Faith

Binary Neutron Stars And Their Implications for the Christian Faith. Creation As Science. Hubble Ultra Deep Field Survey. Conspiracy Theories. "Attacking Faulty Reasoning" Plasma Theory Taking Over From String Theory. The Creator and the Cosmos. The Recent Mars Impact. Christian Churches speaking the truth about Islam. For Information From Someone Who Has Converted To Christianity From Islam.
"A Scientist’s Perspective on Islam". The Creation Event; Is there any thing that naturalism cannot give an answer for? Origins of Life. "If We Had No Moon" (DVD) Design Parameters of the Universe. Nicolas Matze and National Science Associations Life's Causal agent Explanation. The consequence of a very small change in the mass of the universe. Reasons Institute and Reasons Academy.

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Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Exploring Fermi's Paradox

If the universe is teeming with aliens . . . where is everybody? Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men. Rare Earth. The Creator and the Cosmos. Creation As Science. "Fine-Tuning for Life in the Universe". "Design of Habitable Zones". What makes a habitable zone? General discussion of features in the universe, galaxy, and solar system required for a planet capable of supporting advanced life. Evaluate a "fortuitous life hypothesis" in response to Fermi's paradox. Reasons Institute and Reasons Academy

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