Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Evolution and the ID Wars

New confirmation of the large-scale structure of the universe. Biochemical design in bacterial chemotaxis. General discussion of evolution and ID as cited in Skeptical Inquirer.
Call-in Questions: Can scientists track creation of elemntary particles? About a college classroom discussion on evolution/creation. What does RTB mean by intelligent design? How is evolution taught in schools?
Hugh Ross, Jeff Zweerink, Fuz Rana, and Joe Aguirre.

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Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Origin of Fluorine

Ministry Update. Fluorine production in certain stars provides design evidence. Powerful new test for cosmic creation.
Call-in questions: How can I address creation/evolution in an 8-minute college classroom presentation? What is the shape of the universe? How do naturalists account for induction and laws of nature in nontheistic systems? How do you respond to the charge that all creationism arguments are invaled theories? How many stars are in our galaxy? What is the counterargument for the evolutionary claim that wolves or hippos gave rise to whales?
Hugh Ross, Dave Rogstad, Jeff Zweerink, and Joe Aguirre.

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Bottom Dwellers and Black Holes

Biological convergence in benthic species. Probable black hole discovery will confirm classic general relativity test. Role of clays in origin of life. Lutetium decay rate is constant.
Call-in questions:
Do helium diffusion rates upend young-earth RATE model? Was the lunar landing a hoax? Does the discovery of nylon-eating bacteria provide evidence for evolution? Does RTB hold the commonly adopted age of the earth? How do you reconcile evidence for evolution with the creation of mankind?
Fuz Rana, Jeff Zweerink, Dave Rogstad, and Joe Aguirre.

More available at


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Evidence for Population 3 Stars

New technology provides direct evidence for universe's first stars. Evaluation of recent RATE conference.
Call-in Questions: What do you think about scientists' recent statements against the big bang? Supposed dinosaur/bird link and how evolutionists argue for gradualism.
Did RATE conference use astronomy to measure dates?
Jeff Zweerink, Dave Rogstad, and Joe Aguirre.

More available at


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Breaking the Bird/Dinosaur Connection

Problems with the bird-dinosaur connection. Quasars -- increased understanding showed evidence for big bang creation. Stem cell research update -- new techniques. Olivine deposits common on Mars - not evidence for water. Answer to our trivia question: What is the native Hawaiian name for the state fish of Hawaii? How is it spelled? Discussion of the passing of Nobel Prize winner Rick Smalley.
Call-in Questions: Is information theory evidence for supernatural design? Is there any scientific evidence against reincarnation? Just because vestigial organs have function, does that necessarily mean they are designed? What is known and not known abotu genetic expression? Email Question: Could Fuz comment on the use of the endogenous retroviruses to establish the chimpanzee as an ancestor of humans?
Hugh Ross, Fuz Rana, Jeff Zweerink, Dave Rogstad, and Krista Bontrager.

More available at
