Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Evidence for Design in Social Amoebas and Krill

Social amoeba study challenges evolution in two ways. Who Was Adam? Krill mixing of ocean waters shows design. Should Christians celebrate Halloween? "The Tricky Topic of Halloween" Is there a mechanism for determining whether transitional forms exist? Does the HLA complex present problems for RTB's human origins model? Creation Update, October 17, 2006. Is the fossil record nearing an almost indisputable support for the evolutionary paradigm, or are there still substantial gaps that challenge the validity of the Darwinian model?

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

A Big Bang Test

Hugh Ross Health Update. Deuterium Measure: A Big Bang Test. Hit and Runs Must Be Designed. Design of Earth's Atmospheric Oxygen History. New Books and Projects From RTB. D. James Kennedy's Young Earth Statements. Primetime: Radiometric Dating Methods and the RATE Study. Dr. Collins' Interpretation Of Genetic Data. Dr. Colllin's comments about Intelligent Design. Is It True That The Speed Of Light Is Constant? The Creator and the Cosmos. How can Dark Energy Exceed The Speed Of Light?

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Science and Faith - Are They Compatible?

Dr. Francis Collins. The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. Can we test for the supernatural? Creation As Science. What do the gaps in the fossil record say about origins? Origins of Life. Can DNA evidence trace back to Noah and his sons' wives? Who Was Adam? What do you think of Dr. Collins' statement that the original human population was larger than RTB's model predicts? Does Collins' theistic evolutionary position hold a higher view of God than does RTB's model, which requires "midcourse corrections"? Chemistry: Roger Kornberg. "Protein Structures Reveal Even More Evidence for Design" by Fazale Rana. Physics: John Mather and George Smoot. The Creator and the Cosmos.

Archive and references available at


Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lithium and Baby Lucy

Kathy Ross updates listeners on Dr. Hugh Ross's surgery and recovery. Researchers now account for missing lithium in big bang models. Creation As Science. Does "Baby Lucy" fossil provide evidence for evolution? Who Was Adam? How did scientists determine development of brain size in "Baby Lucy"? What do we know about the inner ear structure of "Baby Lucy" compared to that of modern humans? To what degree, if any, can Satan affect weather or other physical phenomena? Lights In the Sky and Little Green Men. What was Hugh's intended audience for his book Creation as Science? University Skeptics Forum - what they are, how to get involved

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