Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Putting It to the Test

Scientists sequence Neanderthal genome for first time; RTB offers predictions for human origins research. "Neanderthal DNA yields to genome foray." Who Was Adam? Three more extrasolar planets discovered; RTB offers predictions based on new technique. The Extrasolar Planets Encyclopaedia. Lessons from The Da Vinci Code (part 3). F.F. Bruce, The Canon of Scripture. F.F. Bruce, The Books and the Parchments. F.F. Bruce et al., The Origin of the Bible. Hugh and Fuz commented on recent tapings at Church Communication Network. What RTB thinks of the "red rain" discovery in India in 2001?
RTB's creation model is important. He also asks whether there were two phases in the expansion of the universe. "Big Bang-The Bible Taught It First!" The Flood, and its importance for RTB's model. Ronald Numbers, The Creationists. Regarding the Flood. A Matter of Days. The Genesis Question.

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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Human-Chimp Hybrids?

Humans and chimps appear (from an evolutionary perspective) to have split more recently than previously thought. "Human and Chimp Genomes Reveal New Twist On Origin of Species," Who Was Adam? Does Earth's magnetic field decay provide evidence for a young planet? Discussion of worldview differences and central issues dividing young- and old-earth creationists. Peril In Paradise: Theology, Science, and the Age of the Earth. Assessing Da Vinci Code claims. Church History In Plain Language. RTB's advice on ID topics for a sermon series. The Creator and the Cosmos. The Fingerprint of God. On the multiverse hypothesis. The PCA's position paper on the length of the creation days. Report of the Creation Study Committee (Presbyterian Church in America)

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Solar System Design

More evidence for design in formation of solar system. The Creator and the Cosmos, Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to Evolution. Characteristics of the Giant Planet's Spin Axis Tilt. Assessing Da Vinci Code. Did Jesus claim to be God? Did the church invent (by a narrow vote) this doctrine much later? Without a Doubt: Answering The 20 toughest Faith Questions. How much does our fallen nature affect our understanding of science and theology? Christian Theology. What is meant by a biblical concept of faith and how does it apply to our study of science? Has RTB literature been peer reviewed?

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The Speculative Nature of the Naturalistic Explanations For The Universe

Just How Speculative Are The Naturalistic Explanations for Our Universe? The Creator and the Cosmos. The Fingerprint of God. "Scientific Problems with Darwinian Evolution". The Apologetic Influence of C. S. Lewis. C.S. Lewis's Dangerous Idea: In Defense of the Argument from Reason. DNA Error Control. Origins of Life. When Did Farming Start? Meyer-Ward Intellegent Designer Debate. Two basic Types of Faith.

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Three Big Bang Confirmations from WMAP 2

Second WMAP release provides three new tests for cosmological models. D. N. Spergel et al., "Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Three Year Results: Implications for Cosmology". The Creator and the Cosmos. Any change in fundamental constants? "A Universal Constant on the Move." Great Christian thinkers and their contributions to history of apologetics: Tertullian. Does RTB's creation model account for microevolution as seen in differences between African and Asian elephants? Please comment on Larry Vardiman's RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) work presented at the recent Question of Age conference. Dr. Vardiman's paper. A Matter of Days. Did the Garden of Eden have different physical laws that protected Adam and Eve from harm? Beyond the Cosmos. Who Was Adam? Why do the laws of Physics not vary with time? Any change in fundamental constants? How does the big bang model require a transcendent creator? And who made the God who made the big bang?

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