Precision in Scientific Measurement
Temperature of early universe confirms Big Bang Cosmology. The Creator and the Cosmos. Precise measurement of Fine Structure Constant. Without a Doubt: Answering The 20 toughest Faith Questions. What are the perceived weaknesses in Big Bang Cosmology and how are they dealt with? Will naturalists ever come to accept the implications of the Big Bang and a transcendent creator given the weight of evidence? What is the difference between the Hubble Constant and the Cosmological Constant, and which one exhibits fine tuning? Given that we cannot measure these things as precisely as we say they are fine tuned, how can we claim such incredibly high fine tuning? How does the measurement of the total density parameter influence the probability for a multiverse explanation? What is the difference between a geometrically flat and a geometrically open universe? How likely is the discovery of Noah's ark at 13,000 feet elevation? The Genesis Question.
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