Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Three Big Bang Confirmations from WMAP 2

Second WMAP release provides three new tests for cosmological models. D. N. Spergel et al., "Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) Three Year Results: Implications for Cosmology". The Creator and the Cosmos. Any change in fundamental constants? "A Universal Constant on the Move." Great Christian thinkers and their contributions to history of apologetics: Tertullian. Does RTB's creation model account for microevolution as seen in differences between African and Asian elephants? Please comment on Larry Vardiman's RATE (Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth) work presented at the recent Question of Age conference. Dr. Vardiman's paper. A Matter of Days. Did the Garden of Eden have different physical laws that protected Adam and Eve from harm? Beyond the Cosmos. Who Was Adam? Why do the laws of Physics not vary with time? Any change in fundamental constants? How does the big bang model require a transcendent creator? And who made the God who made the big bang?

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