Reasons to Believe Creation Update

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Earth's Orbital Patterns and Rodent Life Cycles

Earth's changing orbit responsible for mammal extinctions and replacements. The Creator and the Cosmos. Creation As Science. Scientists have sequenced portion of Neanderthal genome. Who Was Adam?. What is the difference between belief and knowledge? And why do some people believe in conspiracies? Without a Doubt: Answering The 20 toughest Faith Questions. Can the mammalian extinctions and radiations (refers to first discovery above) be tracked geographically? The Design of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Fingerprint of God. Regarding the fine-tuning of electrons and protons, and about dark energy. Can RTB account for an alleged UFO sighting in Belgium? Lights In the Sky and Little Green Men. What scientists mean by the "observable universe" and about the geometry of the universe. An encounter with Richard Dawkins. The God Delusion. The Miracle of Theism. How can we relate to young-earth proponents in a respectful manner, especially when considering how salvation is tied to creation. A Matter of Days.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Dark Energy In The Early Universe

Evidence For Dark Energy In The Early Universe. The Creator and the Cosmos. Creation As Science. Fine-Tuning Of Galaxy Size For Habitability. Killing People In The Name Of Atheism Kenneth Samples responds to a charge from skeptic Richard Dawkins. "The God Delusion?" What is the Time-Line for Satan's Rebellion And The Creation Of The Universe? Articles in Leading Newspapers about Neanderthals and Humans interbreeding. Who Was Adam? What Are the Strongest Scientific Challenges Against the Existence of God. How Do You Explain The Miricles Challenged By The History Channel's

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Direct Measurement of Universe's Expansion

Time-delay lenses provide evidence for big bang. The Creator and the Cosmos. Creation As Science. "Big Bang-The Bible Taught It First!" Three processes in early solar nebula responsible for life-essential elements. M-dwarf stars not candidates for life-support planets. Is religious instruction a form of child abuse? "The God Delusion?" The universe's surface expansion. How can I respond to a coworker who espouses an oscillating model for the universe? How can I describe the concept of multidirectional geometric time to skeptics as it pertains to nullifying infinite regress objections? Beyond the Cosmos. What God Knows: Time and the Question of Divine Knowledge.

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Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Big Bang Evidence and Stem Cell Update

Scientists account for missing helium in big bang universe. Peter P. Eggleton, David S. P. Dearborn, and John C. Lattanzio, "Deep Mixing of 3He: Reconciling Big Bang and Stellar Nucleosynthesis," Science Express online. The Creator and the Cosmos. Another embryonic stem cell study gives reason to doubt. Does God care about politics? The City of God. "God vs. Science: A Spirited Debate between Atheist Biologist Richard Dawkins and Christian Geneticist Francis Collins." The God Delusion. The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief. Primetime interview with Dr. Francis Collins . Does time slow down in general relativity? What God Knows: Time and the Question of Divine Knowledge. Liberal politicians embrace a different worldview than conservatives. Primetime interview with Dr. Francis Collins. What is RTB's position on the Noah's Flood? The Genesis Question. "Noah's Flood: A Bird's-Eye View" by Steve Sarigianis

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